Build a Data Science skillset

I was invited to join the Coursera Data Science community a few weeks ago. I did, and this is a very interesting meeting point where people with any degrees of Data Science experience and skills meet and discuss several related topic. As I feel I am still not mature as a Data Scientist, I followed …


Introduction to Data Science in Python

This is the first course of a series of five offered on Coursera by the University of Michigan. The specialization is called “Applied Data Science with Python”. It was the first course I took after I have completed the Data Science Specialization from the Johns Hopkins University on the same platform. The second was completely …


Data Science Specialization it is!

I just went through the experience of completing the Johns Hopkins University Data Science Specialization on Coursera. The last course of this specialization was the Capstone project, which consists basically in learning about a new subject, Natural Language Processing (or NLP in short) and producing a Shiny application hosted on that predicts the next word a …


Speak Like a doctor: Basic NPL in R

I am now aiming at the Capstone project in the Coursera’s Data Science Specialization from Johns Hopkins, to finish the Specialization. The project is focused on predicting the next word that somebody is going to type, based on several databases to be used to build up the prediction algorithm. There is a lot of previous …


A bit of rest…

Here it comes, summertime. Last year I was particularly active with this Blog and my quest to learn as much as possible about Data Science, Python, R etc. Many MOOCs and books later, and with only the Capstone project that separates me from achieving the Data Science Specialization, I have the need to slow down …


Happy First Birthday!

I almost did not notice, but last 15th May was my site’s become one year old! Wow! In one year, this is the basic traffic data: Number of visitors as of now : 3730 Number of visits: 26085 My free hosting profile does not allow me to know from where you visit, I choose to …


Getting and Cleaning Data

“Getting and Cleaning Data” is the third course of the “Data Science Specialization” from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health on Coursera, was the first of this series of course where some connection to some of the Data Scientist’s real tasks  can be found. I imagine that the data collected on the fields in …


The Analytics Edge MOOC on Edx

After the MOOC “Data Visualization”, I joined a discussion on “What MOOC are you  going to take next”. A participant to the discussion mentioned the  MIT’s “The Analytics Edge” course, on, as being one of the nicest he had taken. The name was intriguing, the description too. I decided to have a look. Dates: …


The Data Scientist’s Toolbox

July 6 2015 was one of the starting dates for the Data Scientist’s Toolbox course, taught by Prof. Jeff Leek of Johns Hopkins’ University. This course is an introductory overview of the other courses of Johns Hopkins’ Data Science Specialization available on Coursera. There are several interesting aspects in this specialization among which the use …
