Here it comes, summertime. Last year I was particularly active with this Blog and my quest to learn as much as possible about Data Science, Python, R etc. Many MOOCs and books later, and with only the Capstone project that separates me from achieving the Data Science Specialization, I have the need to slow down and collect my thoughts. Some of the main questions are still open, the skill set that I am building is real, but if I do not “train” it I will lose it, as anything else. Do I have to invest time into training it? For instance by working on projects (some say this is the best way to retain a skill). Or should I instead acquire new skills or look at the same skills from another perspective (a Data Science Specialization that is based on Python rather than R for instance). Or should I go for something totally different, there are other things that I would like to learn after all. I think that at some point these questions come in every free learner’s head. What’s next? I promise I will publish the answer(s) on these pages later on!