The Coursera JH Data Science Specialization closes with a Capstone Project based on Natural Language Processing. This course is in the references and its lessons are still available for preview but only until the 30 June clicking on the following URL: https://class.coursera.org/nlp/lecture.
The lessons in PDF format are still available from Dan Jurafsky at the following url: https://web.stanford.edu/~jurafsky/NLPCourseraSlides.html
The course is comprehensive and very well taught by by Dan Jurafsky, Christopher Manning and I think is really worth a look for those who are going to take the Capstone. The material covers 8 weeks of course and it is not a light one, with a lot of theory. But it is really passionating.
I suggest to download the lecture videos to those interested because the material will no longer be available as of 30 June 2016 (Coursera announced the end of the class.cousera.org links on that date).