Hello everybody. My name is Antonio I currently live and work in Belgium, and I travel a lot, for work and leisure. For living, I am self-employed and together with my partners we run an IT Services company.
When I started this blog I asked myself if what I was doing as a job was really what I like to do, and even if the answer is not negative, I found out that there are other domains in which I would like to be involved and to learn about. After almost 26 years of active professional life, across 3 Countries (Italy, my Country, Ireland and Belgium) I believed that there is something that I missed in my professional toolkit, something that I would like to learn about and share with others.
In this life trip, I am lucky because I am not alone. Let’s see if it will hold as well for this learning experience.
P.S. The comment system on this blog is off-line. If you wish, you can contact me on a-n-f-e-6-7-@g-m-a-i-l.c-o-m without the dashes! 😉