Jupyter Notebook on Android tablet

Update: The content of this article is no longer applicable for this tablet model. Termux and Jupyter Notebook still work, however Termux does no longer support (for a long time) Android 6.0 and older. The result is that crucial libraries like Matplotlib fail to install.  It is still usable but only for basic tasks.    …


SQLite and Python

I have already written an article about using a SQLite database from R.  I was playing recently with some data, scraped from a web site to text files, that I wanted to transform into a SQLite database. I decided to do it in python, using the sqlite3 module. After a few experiments, I noticed that …


Mining of Massive Datasets

The Lagunita platform offers another very interesting MOOC, Mining of Massive Datasets. The MOOC is self-paced and entitles those who manage to have answered at least 50% between the homework questions and the final exam. There are 14 homeworks, with a total of 62 multiple-choice questions. Together, they account for 50% of your grade.  The course …


An unusual distraction…

Now something different! Well, besides trying to learn as much as possible about Data Science, Machine Learning, Big Data etc, a few weeks ago I was brutally deviated to other subjects, by being asked the following question by my fourteen years old son: “Dad, can you teach me some programming”? At that point a number …


Statistical Learning

This resource is totally free, and consists in a course based on a book which is itself totally free and available. I got to know it while browsing  the  forums discussions on Coursera Data Science Discussions. Somebody in a discussion compared this course to the Machine Learning Course by Andrew Ng, and added that this …


Machine Learning – Andrew Ng

I have mentioned this MOOC, from Stanford University’ professor Andrew Ng, available on Coursera in a couple of articles already. I have read about it in several forums and until now, I only took a quick look. A couple of months ago I finally decided to dive in, because I was really curious, the comments …


Forecasting using R

Rob J. Hyndman is Professor of Statistics in the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics at Monash University. He, together with George Athanasopoulos, has published the freely available book “Forecasting: Principles and Practice”, that can be found here or bought in its paper version at Amazon (amazon.com, amazon.com.uk, amazon.fr) or in its electronic version at …


Build a Data Science skillset

I was invited to join the Coursera Data Science community a few weeks ago. I did, and this is a very interesting meeting point where people with any degrees of Data Science experience and skills meet and discuss several related topic. As I feel I am still not mature as a Data Scientist, I followed …


Introduction to Data Science in Python

This is the first course of a series of five offered on Coursera by the University of Michigan. The specialization is called “Applied Data Science with Python”. It was the first course I took after I have completed the Data Science Specialization from the Johns Hopkins University on the same platform. The second was completely …
