Forecasting using R

Rob J. Hyndman is Professor of Statistics in the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics at Monash University. He, together with George Athanasopoulos, has published the freely available book “Forecasting: Principles and Practice”, that can be found here or bought in its paper version at Amazon (,, or in its electronic version at …


Introduction to Data Science in Python

This is the first course of a series of five offered on Coursera by the University of Michigan. The specialization is called “Applied Data Science with Python”. It was the first course I took after I have completed the Data Science Specialization from the Johns Hopkins University on the same platform. The second was completely …


Working with SQLite in R

In the words of its creators, SQLite is a self-contained, high-reliability, embedded, full-featured, public-domain, SQL database engine. And apparently is the most used in the world. Libraries exist for interfacing R with SLQLite, the minimum requirement being DBI (A Common Database Interface) and RSQLite (SQLite interface for R). The keyword here is “embedded”. You do …


R Rants…

This JH Data Science capstone project is transforming into a nightmare, especially because of R and tm, which do not do what they are supposed to do. True I have changed architecture and PC in the middle, but this is not the problem.  R and R packages like tm evolve fast and sometimes too fast …


Tabular output in R

R provides several libraries to format tabular output. As I have had the problem of finding one that worked well in all occasions and without  too much hassle, I would like to compare, from the point of view of aesthetic and ease of use.  I will not use any of the options and parameters. Just …


NLP: Language Detection in R

I have played a bit with two language detection libraries in R, without going too much in the details of how they work.  These are:   textcat CLRD The second package does not seem actively maintained, as the last update (version 1.1.0) is now over three years old. It can be however obtained and installed …


Speak Like a doctor: Basic NPL in R

I am now aiming at the Capstone project in the Coursera’s Data Science Specialization from Johns Hopkins, to finish the Specialization. The project is focused on predicting the next word that somebody is going to type, based on several databases to be used to build up the prediction algorithm. There is a lot of previous …
