Wow, how many!

I was inspired by this article, which tells the story of Andrew Ng‘s father Ronald, with respect to online self-tuition. Well, Ronald, now almost 74, has successfully completed 146 online courses since 2012. Even before reading the article, I asked myself: How many online courses have I completed since May 2015, the point in time …


New Learning Possibilities

What you learn during your lifetime will hopefully stay with you for the rest of your life. However, if you do not use the skills you have learned, they will get rusty, and if you do not sharpen them from time to time, you will find that they will be not any more readily usable …


Invaluable resources…

It was a bit since last post. Recently I have been not following a very structured approach to courses or training materials, but I have rather attempted to consolidate what I have learned along these years. My daily job continues to be very far apart from Data Science and indeed it is going also far …


Mining of Massive Datasets

The Lagunita platform offers another very interesting MOOC, Mining of Massive Datasets. The MOOC is self-paced and entitles those who manage to have answered at least 50% between the homework questions and the final exam. There are 14 homeworks, with a total of 62 multiple-choice questions. Together, they account for 50% of your grade.  The course …


Statistical Learning

This resource is totally free, and consists in a course based on a book which is itself totally free and available. I got to know it while browsing  the  forums discussions on Coursera Data Science Discussions. Somebody in a discussion compared this course to the Machine Learning Course by Andrew Ng, and added that this …


Introduction to Data Science in Python

This is the first course of a series of five offered on Coursera by the University of Michigan. The specialization is called “Applied Data Science with Python”. It was the first course I took after I have completed the Data Science Specialization from the Johns Hopkins University on the same platform. The second was completely …
