Free E-book publisher

One thing about learning is that the more you learn the more you feel ignorant about the subject you are trying to learn about.  Sometimes you would like to see a particular aspect treated or explained in a different way. Some other times you would like to have an example.

The net gives a big help in this, but sometimes what you need is simply a textbook or an alternative textbook, or an exercise book. But which? In the process of getting lost in the two most recent courses of the Coursera’s Data Science specialization (Statistical Inference and Regression Models), I found myself in this situation, for some explanations I needed a bit more. For some subjects I needed to see them under a different perspective. So far for the motivation.

This lead me to some googling and so  I discovered, a Danish editor who has published all of its production online and free of charge since 2005.  In fact, produces mostly text books and its geared towards two main categories of customers: Students and Workers. The catch: There are advertisements in the ebooks. That’s all. I have downloaded a few of them, and browsed through. Quality is decent, and overall it is a great resource.

The statistics books I have downloaded and that I plan to have a look at are: Singpurwalla

  • A handbook of statistics by Darius Singpurwalla
  • Exercises in Statistical Inference by Robert Jonsson
  • Applied Statistics by Mohammed A. Shayib

These textbooks look quite promising. I am going to have a look at the second as it seems closer to what I was looking for.  proposes in their free selection several categories that over many fields of science like maths, IT, natural sciences but also  Law, Languages, Economy etc. The books are available in PDF format, all you need to do is register with an email address.

A further offer of e-books is proposed under business/premium. I must admit I have not taken a look at those, but the site is so well organized and their offer is so clear and transparent to make me want to explore this  in the future.  Overall, definitely worth a look.