Learning Resources


  • R-Bloggers, the R statistical language blogger site (it contains also a job list)
  • KDnuggets, Machine Learning, Data Science, Big Data, Analytics, AI

MOOC/Training Providers 

All of these have some Data Science programming language courses with Data Science contents. Some of them, like CodingGuru.com offer in classroom or “virtual” online courses, with actual teachers, of course at a cost and targetting mostly a professional audience.  Others, like Coursera, Udacity and Edx, offer multi-course specializations or “nano degrees” programs.

MOOC Specializations (such as Coursera):

MOOCs not part of a specialization

  • IONISX: MOOCs in French. Python pour les scientifiques (Python for Scientists) and other ones in principle quite interesting for those who speak French. Also, to consider again for French speakers, there is the great (with plenty of free contents) FUN platform. 


Free E-books Sources

Software Resources

This is just the tip of the iceberg. All the software resources that I mention here will work on your Windows, Mac or Linux PC. 

There are plenty of excellent and free resources to learn and practice these subjects on the internet. Please do not break copyright, do not use copyrighted materials unduly and do not use pirated software. There is really no need to, given the vast amount of resources available. When you can, please contribute back  with a comment, a suggestion or a simple thank you to the authors.